I can't think of a time when I didn't believe in God. There must have been a time, maybe as a young child, but for the most part I have always known that God was real and that he was with me. At times I didn't recognize his presence in my life but looking back I see that he was always present and acting on my behalf. At 16 I gave my life to Christ and for the past 11 years I have pressed on, slacked off, reached great heights and experienced crippling lows. This year especially has had some incredibly difficult trials but looking around at where I am now all I can say is, He has made everything beautiful in its time. At 16 I had no idea that the journey I was setting out on with Him as my guide, would be a rugged hike rather than a leisurely stroll. But I appreciate my God so much more for that. I'm so grateful that he has taken his time with me; perfecting me, pruning me, correcting me, purifying me and teaching me. The best part is that he's not finished with me yet and when I get to Heaven there will be no time limit on how long I get to be with Him, it will be for eternity.
Ecclesiastes 3:11a